Tuesday, June 30


These few days things didnt go well as wht i had plan it to be.
but anyway i mus be strong to overcome these challenges.
Kampatek Cassandra!

i noe im ready to let them go after thinking about it a few times.
i woulnt wan to cause anymore trouble n suffering.
it would be better if im not around rite.
it seems tht things r more cheerful n livelier.
and the fact tht ppl seem less troubled.
its better to back out now rather than to let them suffer later.
i don mean to steal anyone from anyone.
things didnt seem to change except the fact tht i've change.
i wouldnt noe how to face it now.
i hope god will giv me the strength to overcome this n show me a way to solve it.
n whether im right or wrong.

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