Monday, December 7

One and two and three and four!

Woots.Join a music workshop that was totally awesome and guess what i played the drum! Soo dam chio wei.Can join band d ya noe.Can go up to international level d wei and i can even play the electric guitar wei.VERY CHIO rite.I me ya or text me.Jus kidding.

So me,my sis and kelly learn the drum.Yeehung ,wenling and shy wei brother learn the electric guitar.Whereas shy wei,jeniffer and yeehui learn the bass.Soo damm chio.All convent girls and one guy.

Then we ate lunch at a mamak stall behind and we were all damm freaking hungry afterwards beacause they don serve large meal.We were starving like hell and I ordered pizza after that! Hahaha.After lunch,we were divided into two groups and had to perform one way .Hahaha,damm funny was,Shy wei could'nt sing the bridge part and when we were performing,she was screaming like hell and saying 'Ahhhhh! Lalalalala'.Damm funny and fun wei.Hope still can learn more to come! arghh! my stomach aching now! Maybe beacuse of the mamak stall food.Gtg nite! XOXO...


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