Sunday, July 19

Tagged by Hannah!

Directions :
Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with ten random things, facts, habits or goals about you. at the end choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. don’t forget to leave them a comment ("you're it") and to read your blog. you can’t tag the person who tagged you. since you can’t tag me, let me know when you’ve posted your blog, so i can see your weirdness.

1.I love volleyball
I play it every monday!

2.I cant live without music!

3.I always laugh

4.I hate PINK

5.I love my friends!
i have such a wonderful friends

6.I have a birthmark
its on my face

7.I don noe wat to write next
haha..its still a fact

8.Im bored
still bored.*yawn*

9.Tomorow goin to die
thers volleyball training goin to be soo damm tired man.haih.

10.Im supposed to tag ppl now

SerHAn,Jefffeny,Yeehung,Stefi,SzeLynn,Esther,Nicolette,Felicia,Heng n Regina ribena(haha)

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