Sunday, June 14

4th June ~ 6th June

This year calvary church camp.My first year.haha.Its was fun.3 days 2 nights.We had service,games,swimming,tennis n more..Charlotte is now called as violent girl by gabriel caused she actually bulied guys n even pulled his hair until he angry.Haha.So not sporting one.He got 1 girl asked his number n i saw it n quickly spread the news.He shy oledi n during dinner she sat directly facing him.Lol soo sweet wor.haha.But he nv giv his number cause currently no phoned.N i spotted a girl secretly taking his pic.Lolz.lucky i cover my face.haha..

During camp i slept with naomi n my sis.We got morning calls n ringing bell even during camp.Haha typical of boys rite.They didnt sleep one n durin service they'll be yawning away.Lucky no prank call.But we prank call them.haha.But after camp i still got morning sms one.haih..It was FUN..

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