Tuesday, September 23

~today bring handphone to school.yay and manage to snap pic wif yoyo,yf,sr,ym n melissa.only ama and akong not there...soo sad.haiz.they always take sweet time coming down the time..

~i hate my ************ sister...she thinks i wanna steal her bf ..i was like WTF...and know she knows all my password....im nv going to talk to her 4 a long time man...

~oh ya melissa got this dirty video...i was like shit..it is soo dirty n i send it to ryan. he asked mah.so i giv him .then he and victor was like looking at it with eyes bulging out...OO...after that thay say 'man ur soo dirty minded'.i was like'like u guys not dirty minded'.'wher u got if from'.'from a friend'...wow n after that they continue watching..i show lyneete she like nooooooo.she too white n pure lah.after that she ok oledi.then she asked can see again.then i told her 'look at victor and ryan looking at the video like not enjoying one'vic n ryan look at me n said'wht just looking'

~and u know pn emilda was saying about ppl who are religios sec..which want to make own religion..victor look at ryan..n sater at each other..i look at lynete n said'they dirty minded lah'they tought is was religios sex..lame lah tey all

~and victor said something about 'i dont change diapers i change my panties'...evryone was laughing haha..stud lah he
~its hard u know studying evrytime..when i think about studies my head is like going to burst.i like facing stress..its like next month...my sis study 2 weeks before exam..n my mum want me to study now..life is hard

~my big sis going to aus next year.after study then work there..then she going to bring her mom ther .soooo good leh.but i will miss her alot man.haiz.how i wish i can be like her.no worries.famous.tomby.cool.clever.slim.pettey.smart....n more.i will nv be like her im like ugly.ot smart.not cool.fat.not famous.cant dance.st john lame.bossy.nagy.petty...haiz..how i wish i can be like her then good loh...no worries...

~ya n i told the 8 step why im ignoring them a few days ago..i hope they understant.hopefully.n they will think better.ama n akong understant better i think...i luv my ama n akong very muchy.

~now 8 steps member
-yi min*koko
-su roe*mama
-yue fang*papa

hehe my idea..luv ama akong n evryone n my bao bao
*BAO BAO-is boster or darling

~2morrow another day morning nite..library duty lah

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