Tuesday, November 3

Ser han birthday!

It all happen almost one month ago...

Where all of us were preparing last minute preparation for the 'birthday gurl' card.
Sorry about it.First we trick her that we will be late and hopefully we can finish her card in time.Before that i was in church where there was this cold aura that everyone was not satisfied with what i wear.Nevermind about that.
Then i sat off to cs and was told later on to not tell the 'birthday girl' that we were all there oledi.hahaha.
Then as you noe,after she came,this and that and when it come to the most memorable part.She cried.AWWW.
Then there we were setting off for a new adventure on her big day.We ate,took pictures at neo print,bought some stuff as a sign of our long lasting friendship and most importantly we went to the beach at danga bay!

We danced sorry sorry and actually video tape it! you can check it out on facebook.hahaha.


On the beach at danga bay!

Hope you enjoy your day Serhan! Hope you'll appreciate it! hahaha.It was the best present you can ask for, rite! BFF forever! SMC! ♥♥♥

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